March has come so quickly, I can hardly believe it will be springtime before we know it. Right now, Omaha businesses are bustling after getting settled into the New Year and completing year-end tasks as 2022 falls further behind us. If you’re anything like me, you’re looking into the rest of the year thinking about what your business’s growth will look like and how you can work on new tactics to make it successful.


One thing I have found extremely important in my networking journey is joining organizations. Not only have I seen my personal network expand, I’ve also watched our clients make important connections that wouldn’t have been possible without being a part of these groups. Organic networking is feasible but if I’m given the chance to make things easier, I’m snagging it! We have a spread in our March and September issues that features several organizations that we are proud to promote because of the impact they have on our clients and other local businesses. Take a peek further in the magazine to see where you might fit in.

I know first-hand that joining organizations can be a powerful way to boost your business’s success. Organizations provide numerous benefits, including access to valuable resources, networking opportunities, and educational training programs. All of these things are great ways to dig deeper into your business, creating a path for you to discover what it truly means to expand your reach.

Mentorship is an additional, in my opinion one of the most important, benefits to getting involved with local organizations. If you’re running a business and don’t have any mentorship, you’re most likely putting additional pressure on yourself to take things on alone. The mentors that have come into my life over the years have not only helped me with business advice, but have provided me with experienced leadership that have helped guide me through tough situations. If you know me personally, you know I love learning from those around me. My staff sees that I’m always coming to them with new ideas I’ve learned from others to make things more efficient. Luckily, they’re always on board to take on new (sometimes wild) ventures.

Speaking of growth, surely you’ve noticed the construction happening in several areas in the community! With spring coming, there’s bound to be more. Despite some minor traffic challenges, I actually love seeing Omaha expanding because it ultimately means that the local impact will be positive. March is the beginning of our construction series, starting with Commercial Construction. I love highlighting the top-notch work these local businesses do in Omaha. Choosing local, especially when it comes to the construction industry, directly affects the economic growth in our community in the most profound way. Be sure to keep an eye out for our Landscaping, Building Your Dream Home, Remodeling, and more construction feature stories we’ll have in the coming months.

Right now, I have a sharp focus on the year ahead because we are all always growing, learning, and improving. As always, I have to shout out a huge thank you to our clients who we love supporting. You are all helping make Omaha a better place, and I’m incredibly lucky to see it every day.

Let Strictly Business help you lock in your status as THE EXPERT in your industry, utilizing print, the internet, and social media. Find out how by contacting Paige at (402) 466-3330.