FAMILY, Inc.’s Raise Me to Read Program Wins Pacesetter Award for Literacy

FAMILY, Inc. is pleased to be the recipient of the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading’s Pacesetter Award for the seventh year in a row. This year, the Raise Me to Read program—part of FAMILY, Inc.—is being recognized for its emerging and evolving work on its Raising Readers trading-card game, which started as a novel way to promote parent engagement while giving them the tools they need to help keep their children on track. It has since evolved into a set of informational trading cards corresponding to nine different developmental stages.

“Raise Me to Read’s innovative approach to promoting literacy in our community is driven by stakeholders in education, healthcare, business, faith, and human services and is supported by Iowa West Foundation and United Way of the Midlands,” said FAMILY, Inc. Executive Director Kimberly Kolakowski.
To ensure that more children in low-income families succeed in school and graduate prepared for college, a career and/or active citizenship, the Campaign for Grade Level Reading focuses on promoting early school success as an important building block of more hopeful futures for children in economically challenged families and communities. Learn more at

FAMILY, Inc. is an early childhood and public-health organization with a mission for empowering families to build a strong foundation and healthy future through education, advocacy, support, and community connection. To learn more, visit, call (712) 256-9566, or follow them on Facebook (@familyincia), Twitter (@FAMILYIowa), LinkedIn (@familyinc), and YouTube (@FAMILYonYouTube).