With over 400 combined years of experience and service to clients, our Personal Trust & Wealth Management department is the largest staffed, full-service trust department in Nebraska. UBT (ubt.com) serves as a fiduciary providing a full range of wealth and investment services for individuals and institutions. We are highly regulated by the FDIC and the State of Nebraska and also have a robust internal audit department.

A unique approach

Our comprehensive team focuses on each individuals unique personal and financial goals, providing investment management, financial planning, trust and estate administration and private banking services. Collaboratively, we administer sound estate planning documents that were drafted with efficient tax, family and asset protection goals in mind. Family owned since 1965, we understand the importance of our services.

We provide premier wealth management and trust services through a dedicated, talented and caring staff

We are a local bank serving clients in our community with compassion. Our technical and educational experience paired with our community involvement helps us truly know and help our clients as well as our community. We believe in giving back to the communities where our clients and employees live. We listen.

ubt.com | (402) 323-1324