BlueCow Boxes Nebraska offers rental packages on industrial strength plastic boxes for anyone who is moving. Reva Tyler is the co-owner of BlueCow Boxes Nebraska.

Tell us a little about your business. – Our boxes are made from recycled plastic and have folding lids which allows stacking and moving on wheeled dollies, which are provided. Delivery and pickup are also provided within a 50 mile radius at no charge; outside 50 miles a simple mileage calculator is used.  As an eco-friendly alternative to cardboard, BlueCow Boxes simplifies the moving process and eliminates the need to source, assemble, tape, disassemble and most importantly, discard the cardboard. After use the boxes are then cleaned with high pressure air, wiped down with disinfectant and inspected. Our theme is “MOOVING? Blue is the new Green.”

How did you get started in the business? – My husband J.T. is just now retiring from 36 years in sales and I had 14 years in real estate administration, so we felt that we had the tools necessary to start and run this business. J.T. wanted something to do during retirement where he could continue to utilize his skills, and he thoroughly enjoys meeting new people and challenges so it was an easy fit. The business itself is easy to understand and addresses a need that has been long in coming to this area.

Tell us a little about your family. – I’ve been married almost 15 years to my wonderful husband. Between the two of us we have four children, ten grandchildren and one great grandchild.

What do you see as one of the biggest turning points in your life? – When I became a mother and again when I became a grandmother.

What is your favorite thing to do on a day off? – Spending time with my husband and family, especially in the summer around our backyard pool.

What are you most proud of? – I am so proud of my children. – They have grown into such caring, loving, and responsible people.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? – Turn everything over to God and follow my Christian values.

If you could choose only one descriptive word to be remembered as, what would it be? – Compassionate.

If you could have a super power, what would it be? – The power of healing those who are suffering.

What is your greatest talent that you don’t utilize in your daily work life? – I try to use the talents I have every day!

Which talent would you most like to have? – I would like to sing well and play guitar.

If you could choose any other profession to be successful in, what would it be? – I would have liked being a teacher of young children.

What is your favorite book or the last good book you read? – The Bible.

What is your favorite TV show? – The Big Bang Theory and Forensic Files.

What is your favorite local restaurant? – Bravo! at Village Pointe, Cheesecake Factory, and Stella’s Bar & Grill in Bellevue for awesome hamburgers.

If you could have dinner with one famous person from the past or present, who would it be? – Tom Osborne! He’s such a great coach and life example…and we are Husker Fans!

If our readers would like to contact you, how should they do so? – We can be reached directly at (402) 431-9977 or (844)-99 MOOVE, and even on J.T.’s cell at (402) 490-0443, or via email at Our website,, highlights our concept and fee schedule; orders are placed via the website and payment is made at the time of delivery.