River City Six – Nick Kammann

Meet Nick Kammann, security sales engineer for Engineered Controls.

Tell us a little about your business.

Engineered Controls is a building technology company whose goal is to make buildings more efficient, comfortable, secure, and convenient for its occupants. Day to day, I am working with contractors, engineers, and owners to provide integrated security solutions that will help keep people safe and protect their assets.

How did you get started in the business?

I went to college for electronic systems technology, and after working in a factory environment for a few years, I needed a change from the repetitive work. I started in the field as an installation technician and soon discovered that every day was something new and challenging. From there I moved into a more technical role, programming and servicing security systems. I recently moved out of field into a sales engineering and estimating position focused primarily on bid-spec projects.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally?

Our industry is very technical. Keeping up to date on the latest industry trends, new product developments, and software improvements is challenging.

What has been your most important achievement professionally?

Earning my associate degree in electronic systems technology.

Tell us a little about your family.

My girlfriend and I live in La Vista.

What is your favorite thing to do on a day off?

Camping and boating. I really enjoy spending time at the lake and being outdoors.

Who inspires you?

My brother. He was very hardworking and successful in his career.

What is your favorite quote or the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Don’t worry about the things you can’t control.

If you could choose only one descriptive word to be remembered as, what would it be?


If you could have a super power, what would it be?

Time travel.

Which talent would you most like to have?

To be a master carpenter and build my own house.

If you could choose any other profession to be successful in, what would it be?

Travel photographer. I love to travel and explore new places, so why not get paid to do it?

What is your favorite book or the last good book you read?

I just finished Alcatraz #1259 by William G. Baker. It’s a true account of life in Alcatraz written by a former Alcatraz inmate.

What is your favorite movie?

The Jason Bourne trilogy.

What is your favorite TV show?

The Office.

What is your favorite local restaurant?

Charred Burger + Bar.

If you could have dinner with one famous person from the past or present, who would it be?

Warren Buffet.

If our readers would like to contact you, how should they do so?

Phone: (402) 689-8257; Email: nkammann@engineeredcontrols.com; Website: engineeredcontrols.com.