UNICO Group is one of the largest locally owned insurance and risk management firms in Nebraska.  With locations in Lincoln, Columbus, Kearney and Papillion, UNICO represents many companies and are able to provide their clients with many choices for insurance solutions and advice in order to best protect their personal or business assets. Chris Senkbile is a Producer for UNICO Group.

How did you get started in the business? – I saw an opportunity where I could fit into a dynamic culture and excel with my passion and gifting as a business development professional. I took it.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally? – Most recently, being objectified as a “booth babe” at a trade show…now I know how Danica feels! I have feelings too.

What has been your most important achievement professionally? – Helping a business double its annual revenue in a year.  That’s a cool feeling.

Tell me a little about your family. – My beautiful wife, Amy, and I have three SWEET kids 4 years old and under. We’re busy!

What do you see as one of the biggest turning points in your life? – The day I realized the story of Jesus is one of forgiveness and grace.

What is your favorite thing to do on a day off? – Be outside doing anything…even yard work!

What is the most unique or interesting thing about you that most people probably don’t know? – I have “Pectus Carinatum” which is Latin for a deformed sternum.

What are you the most proud of? – My kids and being the best father that I can be.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? – My dad always told me, “You can accomplish anything you set your mind to.”

If you could choose only one descriptive word to be remembered as, what would it be? – Multifaceted?

If you had a theme song, what would it be? – “Should’ve Been A Cowboy” by Toby Keith.

If you could have a super power, what would it be? – Flying for sure!

What is your greatest talent that you don’t utilize in your daily work life? – I can spin a basketball for days?!

Which talent would you most like to have? – Being musical.  I’d love to play any instrument, but I’m the most rhythmless person you’ll ever meet.

If you could choose any other profession to be successful in, what would it be? – Pro Football.

What is your favorite book or the last good book you read? – Anything by Malcom Gladwell; he’s brilliant.

What is your favorite movie? – That’s tough, how do you really choose Dumb & Dumber or Tommy Boy?

What is your favorite TV show? – Shark Tank.  Mr. Wonderful is my hero.

What is your favorite local restaurant? – Shout out to Gretna’s finest, “We’ll Smoke You.” Love some good barbeque!

If you could have dinner with one famous person from the past or present, who would it be? – Winston Churchill, what a leader!

If our readers would like to contact you, how should they do so? – I’d love to help you develop or improve your risk management program.  Give me a call at (402) 320-9266, email me at csenkbile@unicogoup.com, or visit our website at www.unicogroup.com.