Therapydia Omaha is a Physical Therapy clinic that places emphasis on health and wellness and Sports Performance.  Owner and Physical Therapist Adam Brockmeier, DPT treats a myriad of musculoskeletal injuries resulting from sports, surgeries, or everyday life.  After the rehabilitation process is complete he then looks to enhance that athlete’s or patient’s performance on the field or in their backyard with a customized sport performance or fitness program utilizing his education in exercise physiology, biomechanics, and Tai Chi.

How did you get started in the business? – I have always been interested in the human body and improving its function to ultimately improve the quality of a person’s life.  I found Physical Therapy to be a great facet of health care in order to accomplish this goal.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally? – I believe in educating the public and health care providers about the valuable role of Physical Therapy and how we can improve health and wellness as practitioners of choice.  There also appears to be confusion on the accessibility of a Physical Therapist. In Nebraska there is not a specific requirement to obtain a physician referral to be seen by a Physical Therapist, only with Medicare or certain insurances for reimbursement purposes. Several of my patients simply choose to pay directly and avoid co-pays and other restraints imposed by their carriers.

What has been your most important achievement professionally? – Part of the reason I became a Physical Therapist is to help patients overcome obstacles in their life.  My greatest achievements are hearing a patient tell me that they are now able to physically do something they have not been able to in a very long time and can now enjoy life to the fullest without the pain they once had.

Tell me a little about your family. – I have been married to my beautiful bride Kara for 9 years and we have a 4-year-old son, Tyler. We also have a Weimaraner named Tucker and between him and Ty we could potentially harness enough energy to power Omaha for a year!

What do you see as one of the biggest turning points in your life? – The day I married the love of my life and the day our son was born, hands down!

What are you the most proud of? – I think I am most proud of growing up on a farm and truly understanding what hard work is all about.  Remembering my “roots” is humbling, helps to keep me grounded, and helps me relate to people on many different levels.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?  – “You don’t have to know it all.”  I strive every day to acquire as much knowledge as possible so that I can give the best advice. Sometimes it is easy to get lost in the quest for knowledge and you become so overwhelmed or overloaded that you lose the ability to think on your own and can easily overlook the simplest of solutions.

If you could have a super power, what would it be? – I do know that I would not want to fly…I am deathly afraid of heights.

What is your favorite TV show? – Seinfeld. I truly believe I can relate most everything that happens in my life to an episode of Seinfeld.

What is your favorite local restaurant? – I would have to say that my favorite restaurant is my dad’s grill and my mom’s kitchen, nothing beats home cooking!

If our readers would like to contact you, how should they do so? – By phone at (402) 933-7521, by email at, or visit