The Omaha Downtown Improvement District (ODIDA) is pleased to welcome Holly Barrett as its new Executive Director.  Holly joins the ODIDA with 14 years of experience in public relations, community advocacy and event management.

Most recently, Barrett served as the Executive Director of Denver’s LoDo area, which has grown to become a premier destination in downtown Denver. Holly brings a wealth of experience in fundraising, management of a 501(c)3 organization and capacity building. Barrett replaces Joe Gudenrath and will begin her new position in Omaha on October 1st.

The Omaha Downtown Improvement District (DID) board was established by election in 2007 and is governed by the Downtown Business Improvement District Board (DBID) whose board members were appointed by the Mayor. The DID is comprised of a volunteer elected board of representatives from within the district who work in collaboration to implement the mission of the DID. For more information about the Omaha Downtown Improvement District (ODIDA), contact Bill Owen, ODIDA President at or visit