Omaha firm Envision Success Inc. recently welcomed Tara Thompson to the team as a Holistic Living Coach. She complements the ESI coaching team with her core focus areas and her location.

Practicing out of the San Diego metro area, Tara works with clients on Saying No, Being Present, Taking Action, and Living Fully, and customized her approach to client needs. Tara’s passion and knowledge give her a unique and powerful perspective to help guide her clients into their most rewarding and full life.  In addition to being a Holistic Living Coach, Tara has also been a Holistic Health Practitioner since 2006. While working as a massage therapist and educator, as well as being a business owner for many years, coaching has been a large part of Tara’s growth and healing.

Looking to give back to others and continue to serve on a deeper level, coaching was her next natural step into helping people find their purpose and truth while leading a Holistic (“whole-istic”) lifestyle. Tara refers to her coaching niche as “Whole-istic” because it involves the whole person loving and embracing their self.  It’s about engaging in life from a place of worthiness and love.  It’s cultivating the courage, compassion, and connection to be present and mindful along life’s journey. Tara can be contacted at, and also via Facebook (/EnvisionSuccessInc) and on Twitter (@ESIResults)