Inclusive Communities to Host Humanitarian Brunch Featuring Precious Brady-Davis

Save the date for Inclusive Communities’ ( 2020 Humanitarian Brunch, which will be held on April 19 at the Scott Conference Center. This is the 82nd year Inclusive Communities has hosted an event to honor those dedicated to creating more inclusive communities, and they are continuing forward in their commitment to make the Omaha community a better place for everyone. They understand that now more than ever, we need to recognize those who are dedicated to creating more inclusive communities.

The Humanitarian Brunch will start at noon with a happy hour, featuring a Bloody Mary and mimosa bar until 1 p.m. A hosted brunch and program will follow immediately afterward. This year’s honored guest will be Precious Brady-Davis. Lauded internationally as an award-winning diversity advocate, communications professional, and public speaker, Davis currently serves as the Central Region Communications Manager for Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign. She finds deep meaning in examining the roots of what proliferates bias, bigotry, and prejudice in the world. Through celebrating the beauty of coexistence, uplifting/centering the stories of those who are most marginalized, and seeing that all issues that affect the human condition are interconnected, she invites all who come in contact with her to see the resilience that lives within us all.

Originally from Omaha, Davis attended Inclusive Communities’ IncluCity program as a teen, and she will share how this formative experience shaped her life and future work as a diversity advocate.

Inclusive Communities envisions a society that is strengthened by diversity, inclusion, respect, and justice for all people. For more information and to have your name added to the invite list, please contact Maggie Wood at (402) 391-4460 / Learn more about the organization by going online to