Habitat Omaha Hosts Educational Sessions About Estate Planning, Property Taxes

Habitat for Humanity of Omaha (habitatomaha.org) recently held two educational webinars for community members—one about wills and estate planning and another about property taxes. Habitat Omaha is working with community partners to provide these educational sessions about housing-related topics that impact everyone who owns, or hopes to own, a home.

Although most people don’t want to talk about the need for a will or other estate planning documents, they’re critical to providing people with a voice in determining how their property will be transferred and identifying the people who will care for their loved ones and handle their affairs when they’re gone. If you missed the Wills and Estate Planning 101 webinar in December 2020, it can be viewed on Habitat Omaha’s YouTube channel.

Property taxes are another hot topic in Omaha, considering that thousands of residents recently saw an enormous increase in their taxes—some as much as 200%! Habitat Omaha and Omaha Together One Community hosted a session in January to explain the step-by-step process homeowners can take to protest property tax valuations. If you missed that webinar, head over to habitatomaha.org/property-taxes to find the information covered.

For more information about Habitat for Humanity of Omaha, visit habitatomaha.org or call (402) 457-5657.