FCA Provides Giving Opportunities to Community for Organization Growth

In November and December, there is a unique opportunity to help Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA; nebraskafca.org) grow their staff in order to continue to their work. Year-end gifts make up roughly 25% of their annual operating budget. For year-end 2018, the goal is to raise $145,000. They believe that though this goal is big, God is much bigger, and He’s proven Himself faithful time and time again. Additionally, the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving is #GivingTuesday, a day on which thousands of people from around the country choose to partner with non-profit organizations in order to make a difference. FCA’s goal for this year’s #GivingTuesday is $4,000.

FCA asks that you please prayerfully consider partnering financially with their Omaha-Metro and Southwest Iowa chapter this year to help them accomplish their year-end goal and #GivingTuesday goal of $4,000. If you’d like to support their ministry through a tax-deductible gift, go to their website at my.fca.org and search for Brian Conklin, Ryan Sears, Nate Holtz, Steve Sivadge, or Kenny Onatolu. The goal of Fellowship of Christian Athletes over the next 10 years is to have an FCA “Coach for Christ” on every campus in the area.

Contact Liz Franzen at (402) 934-7475 / lfranzen@fca.org with questions, or visit nebraskafca.org for more information.