CSF Announces Scholarship Information Workshop

Children’s Scholarship Fund of Omaha (CSF; www.csfomaha.org) gives parents the ability to choose the educational environment that best meets their children’s needs. On Wednesday, March 23rd, CSF will host a Scholarship Information Workshop at UNO’s Community Engagement Center from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. This informative session is intended for any parent/guardian interested in learning about CSF’s K-8 scholarship program.

CSF provides partial-tuition scholarships so children from low-income families can access a private, K-8 education.  Selected families must contribute $500 toward tuition and ensure their children achieve a minimum 90% attendance rate. Since 1999, CSF has awarded more than 27,000 scholarships valued at $29 million dollars.

CSF is an independent, non-denominational organization that relies solely upon private donations. If you or your company are interested in making a donation or receiving more information, please contact the CSF office.

Contact Information: Lydia Sand, Program Manager – lydia.sand@csfomaha.org – (402) 819-4990 – Children’s Scholarship Fund of Omaha (www.csfomaha.org).