Rendering courtesy of TACKarchitects

Child Saving Institute (CSI, continues to make strides in its efforts to enhance the future of care in the Omaha community with expanded services and doubling its physical footprint through its $46 million capital campaign—Campaign for Hope.

The organization is ready to begin construction this spring at its centrally-located campus near 45th and Dodge Streets in Omaha.

CSI has diligently evaluated the evolving needs of local children and families including the rapidly growing need for pediatric and adolescent therapy, an expanded emergency shelter, supportive early education services and additional access to high-quality early childhood education.

To expand these services, CSI will nearly double its physical building space. This two-year project will allow for an on-site mental health clinic to be added to the facility, a newly built emergency shelter housing 16 beds for youth, four additional early childhood education classrooms with a STEAM classroom and innovative treatment childcare classrooms added within its early childhood education center to address the needs of preschoolers unable to attend traditional school environments.

The Campaign for Hope will allow the organization to continue to meet the dynamic needs of those it serves today, and over the next 100 years. The Omaha community can join the effort in building a stronger community through Child Saving Institute’s Campaign for Hope initiative by visiting

Child Saving Institute is dedicated to preventing, intervening and healing child abuse, neglect and trauma. For 130 years, CSI has been “Responding to the cry of a child” and meeting the changing needs of metro area children. CSI serves approximately 2,500 children and families each year. To learn more about CSI and the programs and services offered, please visit or follow CSI on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.