Heartland Family Service (heartlandfamilyservice.org) is excited to invite the community to the Carnival of Love Gala on Saturday, February 18 at Embassy Suites, La Vista from 6 to 9:30 p.m. Hosted by the Heartland Family Service Friends Guild, the Honorary Chairs Ted and Amee Zetzman, and Gala Co-Chairs Chris Olson and Candy Golden, Heartland invites you to enjoy dinner, games, silent and live auctions, and more! Individual tickets are $175, but more options and sponsorship opportunities are available at heartlandfamilyservice.org/events/carnival-of-love-gala.

Many individuals and families in the community benefit daily from your support of Heartland Family Service. Thank you for choosing to make a difference, so everyone can.

Founded in Omaha in 1875, Heartland Family Service connected with over 140,000 individuals and families through direct services, advocacy, education, and outreach last year, from 20 locations in east central Nebraska and southwest Iowa. Their programs and services provide critical human services to the individuals and families who ultimately shape the future of the community in the following focus areas: Child and Family Well-Being; Counseling and Prevention; and Housing, Safety, and Financial Stability. Learn more at heartlandfamilyservice.org.