Registration is open for the 2015 LiveWell Team Challenge, which runs Feb. 1 -May 1.  The LiveWell Team Challenge, which awards prizes for performing and reporting activity minutes and healthy weight loss, offers three divisions, including Fresh Start, Total Fit and Family.

The cost is $16 per person and each participant receives a LiveWell Challenge stocking hat as well as weekly activity/nutrition tips and other health-related perks.   The first 500 registered team captains will receive a $10 Scheels gift card.  Teams consist of 4-10 members.

Companies and organizations are encouraged to offer the LiveWell Team Challenge as part of their wellness plan.  The Nebraska Sports Council offers special billing and compilation reports for companies fielding multiple teams.  Online leaderboards display leading teams in each division, which provides additional motivation throughout the 3-month program.

The Nebraska Sports Council, whose mission is to promote healthy and active lifestyle choices, is conducting this year’s challenge in conjunction with Shape Up Montana, a program of the Big-Sky State Games.   Those interested are encouraged to register or find more information at or by calling (402) 471-2544.