Strictly Business is excited to announce that we will be featuring more local non-profit organizations in our January issue!  As a part of the mission of Strictly Business Magazine, we feel that creating awareness about local non-profit organizations and their unique and important contributions to our community is paramount.  We have always featured local non-profit organizations once yearly, but as there is a great deal of wonderful non-profits in the area, we have expanded this to twice a year in order to be able to include all who wish to be highlighted.  A number of diverse local non-profit organizations will be featured in our publication in the January and July issues, beginning in 2015.  This is an excellent opportunity for non-profit organizations to gain exposure among our readers, as well as for our readers to familiarize themselves with the needs of these organizations and the valuable work that is going on in our community.

If you are a local non-profit organization that is interested in being featured in our publication, please call (402) 466-3330.  You may view our past Supporting Non-Profit stories at