Nebraska Safety Council’s Worker 360° Workshop to Help Leaders Optimize Workforce

The Nebraska Safety Council ( is offering a virtual Worker 360° Workshop on December 3 to help business leaders become more competitive in their industries and improve their bottom lines by optimizing their workforces. The workshop is ideal for human-resource professionals, wellness and safety coordinators or directors, leadership charged with safety and wellness, and safety and wellness team members. The six-hour workshop, which includes a one-hour lunch break on your own, costs $113 for members and $184 for non-members, and participants will be eligible for $1,350 in scholarships to use toward safety-training classes of their choice.

This workshop will cover the core elements of a comprehensive program, including leadership and culture, worksite analysis, risk-management planning and control, and evaluation and continuous improvement. By taking this integrated risk-management approach, participants learn how to develop and implement their own organizational policies, programs, and practices that promote overall worker safety and wellness. When your people are at their best, they become more engaged, are healthier, and have a better overall quality of life, and employers benefit from reduced illness and injury-related costs, higher productivity, and lower absenteeism rates. This comprehensive approach is rooted in NIOSH’s Total Worker Health® concept and is far more than simply ensuring you have both safety and wellness programs.

The mission of the Nebraska Safety Council is to provide education and leadership to empower Nebraskans to live safe and healthy. To learn more or sign up for the Worker 360° Workshop, visit, call (402) 483-2511, or email