Max I. Walker Joins Top U.S. Cleaners to Trade Ideas

Max I. Walker ( was among the nation’s top dry cleaners and launderers that gathered in Richmond, VA in late September for a critique of Richmond’s Puritan Cleaners. Their association, called The Round Table of Launderers and Dry Cleaners, conduct a “Fly-In” each year to visit one of its members, see their operation, and set the agenda for their upcoming annual meeting, which will take place in March of 2017 and is the 78th to date. The Round Table consists of seventeen of the nation’s most prominent dry cleaning companies who come together bi-annually to discuss industry trends, successes and failures, and exchange ideas on production, marketing, customer service, and all other aspects of their business.

In October of 2017, Max I. Walker will host the next Round Table Fly-In for the third time. Rob Walker and family are proud to be a part of such a highly regarded group in the dry cleaning industry and look forward to trading ideas at their own operation. The Walkers have been a part of The Round Table for 30 years.

Coming up, Max I. Walker is hosting the tenth annual Ultra Chic Boutique, a philanthropic event that sells donated formal dresses for $30 after Max I. Walker cleans them free of charge. All proceeds are donated to the Open Door Mission’s Lydia House. This year’s event will be held January 28, 2017 at the Omaha Design Center from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

If you would like more information about this topic, please email Bridget Hanson at