Intellegen Opens New Conference Showroom

Intellegen (, a commercial custom integrator and low voltage contractor, held an open house and ribbon-cutting on June 1st to demonstrate the automation capabilities of their new conference showroom. Also on display were some of Intellegen’s capabilities in digital signage, indoor and outdoor audio-visual, computer network infrastructure and physical security and access control systems.

Intellegen President, Toby Asplin, said, “What we’re demonstrating here today is the power and cost-effectiveness of leading edge automation technology. We can now provide functionality that has historically cost tens of thousands of dollars at a fraction of the price.”

In attendance for the ribbon-cutting were members of the Western Douglas County Chamber of Commerce, Millard Business Association and Centersphere Networking Group. In all, nearly 100 people attended the open house and following seminars.

Intellegen, a derivative of intelligent, was born out of the necessity for security and performance in a world increasingly dependent on technology. We strive to provide our clients with technology for intelligent living™. Whether it’s the automation of your home’s systems for energy savings and convenience or the provisioning of networking, security and audio-visual technology for your business, Intellegen has a solution – a solution with security and performance at its core.

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Toby Asplin at (402) 504-3187 or email at