365DailyHustle Offers 5-Day Masterclass to Create Forward Momentum in Your Life

Success coach, international speaker, bestselling Amazon author and 365DailyHustle (365dailyhustle.com) Owner Karissa Williams is offering a fi ve-day live online Masterclass December 7-11 to help professional women create forward momentum in their lives, health, and businesses by using proven strategies she employs every day. Register at 365dailyhustle. dropfunnels.com/5-day-mastermind. In addition, Karissa is doing a BossUp book signing for her new book, Women Who BossUp, at the new Peregrine Hotel in Omaha on December 16 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Meet and greet, grab a cocktail, and take a tour of the new hotel!

In her five-day Masterclass, Karissa will focus on three game changers: 1) The Reclaim Your Best Life™ blueprint that puts you back in control of your time, energy, and power, including proprietary tools; 2) Walk away with a personalized action plan that will help you thrive instead of just survive the next 90 days and roll into 2021 with unstoppable momentum; and 3) Learn the secret sauce to automate routines, habits, and systems so you can level up in your business, health, and life, and put yourself back on the calendar.

Founded in 2018, 365DailyHustle offers signature coaching programs, including one-to-one VIP coaching, online group coaching, and corporate coaching, as well as a 365 Empower U newsletter to deliver a weekly dose of motivation to women. Karissa also provides motivational talks, lunch-and-learns, and workshops as a keynote speaker and crowd motivator. For more information, visit 365dailyhustle.com, call (402) 880-2142, or follow her on Facebook (@DailyHustle1) and Instagram (@365.Daily.Hustle).