Women’s Health in Omaha, Nebraska
In 2016, we’re more knowledgeable about health and wellness than ever before. This extends into key issues that exclusively affect women and how we can address them from both a preventative and curative perspective.
From hormone regulation and reproductive elements to nutritional requirements and fitness regimens, not to mention holistic remedies and practices that are much more beneficial in the toxin-prevalent world that we find ourselves living in today and issues associated with aging, there are many areas of concern that are best to be met head-on and addressed as opposed to ignored or overlooked. As we’ve all heard before, knowledge is power, and it’s not at all cliché in this matter. There’s plenty of helpful knowledge that our local professionals who are invested in the health of their clients and community have to offer, you just have to take the first step and ask!
What we put into our bodies is largely responsible for our health, good or bad. Nutrition is a fundamental pillar of health and wellness for a multitude of reasons, and as such, should be at the forefront of your planning and follow-through. With the traditional food pyramid that’s now completely outdated as a key example, optimal nutrition is constantly evolving based on a variety of factors, so it can be confusing to nail down your body’s requirements in order to stay on track with meeting your body’s unique needs.

Kathi Bratberg – Eat Well Nutrition & Wellness
“Nutrition has such a huge impact on our overall health, with wide-ranging effects that include prevention of diseases which women have become increasingly susceptible, particularly certain types of cancer,” advises Kathi Bratberg, RN, M.S., Certified Nutrition Professional (CNP) and owner of Eat Well Nutrition & Wellness. “These days it’s not just about eating the right kinds of foods, but also being knowledgeable about the source of the food. That not only includes where it comes from in a literal sense, as farm to table is ideal to avoid processed items, but also extends to the company’s values and practices. Essentially the focus is on eliminating things that are harmful and incorporating those that are protective. With so many chemicals in our food supply, including compounds that mimic the effects of estrogen, hormone imbalances have become much more common. We don’t often think of what we eat being connected with our hormones, but unfortunately we’ve come to that point and the proper nutrition can truly help to eliminate those types of issues.
In fact, between pesticides, plastics and preservatives, there are over 75,000 chemicals that a person could be exposed to at any given time, with 10,000+ found in our food supply here in the United States. Due to this, I focus with my clients on learning what’s harmful and what one has control over. I find that to be huge, especially if they take that information and are able to not only improve their own health, but pass it along and educate their loved ones too for better outcomes all around.
Similarly, we are just beginning to learn the adverse effects of genetically modified food, and it’s already bad news. Furthermore, sugar can feed cancer cells and we are consuming way too much of it. One can become more self-reliant and learn how to pick healthy foods somewhat easily with the right guidance; it just takes knowledge and resolve. From my experience as a health care professional, I can attest to the fact that it’s a lot easier to be proactive than to be reactive post-diagnosis. Particularly with cancer treatment, it takes a huge toll physically and emotionally as well as being incredibly expensive. While there’s no guarantee, doing everything in your power is better than doing nothing not only because of the health benefits, but the positive state of mind you’ll be in when you are making confident, conscious decisions related to your health and wellbeing. As a holistic practitioner who is board certified in Holistic Nutrition®, I emphasize the importance of the mental-emotional-spiritual connection to our physical health. As we learn more about being intuitive to our needs and supporting those areas, it affects our overall health for the better. We live in such a fast-paced society that it’s now critical to step outside of that and get into the rest and relaxation state where true healing occurs.”
She further emphasizes, “Nutrition is such a major part of your health and wellbeing and there’s so much it can do to benefit you! I recommend becoming an educated consumer and also understanding what your own body needs. In establishing where you’re at in order to get to where you want to be, a hormone panel will help you better understand what’s going on with your body now so you can target what you can improve that would be most beneficial for your short-term and long-term health.”
Building upon what’s most beneficial and addressing issues proactively, it’s all about finding out what’s needed, assessing what works best, and incorporating these things into your lifestyle at the recommended intervals. When it comes to the differences between men and women, while we are much more alike than different, there are a few key variances to take note of in terms of lifestyle, health concerns, and treatment options that are most advantageous.

Brad Schmitt DC – Schmitt Chiropractic & Rehab, PC.
“Women have several factors that can contribute to causing them pain that men don’t experience,” Brad Schmitt, DC, owner of Schmitt Chiropractic and Wellness, PC articulates. “Pregnancy can be a factor, the demands of being a mom can be a factor, and the changes that happened during pregnancy and delivery can also be a factor long after they give birth. Women also have wider hips than men do, which puts an added amount of stress on the knees and lower body. Regardless of pregnancy or having had kids, all women are more susceptible to potential hip pain, knee pain, and other injuries, especially if they are very active or runners. They need to know the importance of the correct regular strengthening exercises whether they are having pain or not, and getting treatment to address these issues if they are having pain.
We utilize techniques that support joint and nervous system function, as well as muscle balance, through chiropractic care, dry needling, Active Release (ART), and functional exercises. Whether a woman is working full time, staying at home with kids, or doing both, these techniques can greatly benefit the day to day strain that is put on the body.
Despite the difference in issues that exclusively affect women versus those that affect men, the benefits of chiropractic care are similar for both. However, for pregnant women, there are specific benefits to getting regular chiropractic care. As the body changes, new stresses and demands are placed on their body; especially the lower back and hips. Chiropractic helps ease the stress placed on joints from body weight being distributed differently than the body is used to. Neck pain and headaches from the neck pain and tension also give many pregnant women problems. Once the baby has arrived, the demands of being a new mom take a similar toll on the body as pregnancy does. A balance of chiropractic care, muscle work through dry needling and ART, and functional exercises can help these women enjoy the time to the fullest by not being in pain all of the time.”
As previously touched on, pregnancy is one of those things that many women will experience in their lives that will affect their health both during and afterwards. However, with each passing generation, we’ve moved forward in so many different ways for the benefit of mom and baby. While traditional health care settings, namely the doctor’s office and the hospital, remain the norm for prenatal care and the birth of the baby, there are many other services available that not only enhance the experience but also come alongside to ensure optimal health and wellness throughout the pregnancy.
For example, utilizing midwives have become much more prevalent. Like doctors, midwives offer the full range of OBGYN care—preconception visits, gynecological visits, STD checks, and contraceptive counseling. They also provide labor support, present alternatives for parents to consider when making decisions that affect the health of themselves or their baby, and offer postpartum care and assistance with breastfeeding as well. Basically, with the experience and knowledge midwives bring to the table, they are indeed a great partner to have over the entire process.
To ensure a mom-to-be is well on her way to having a healthy baby, ultrasound technology is a critical part of routine prenatal check-ups. It not only provides those fun, amazing pictures of a baby in the womb, but helps to monitor normal fetal development, screening for any potential issues, and checks the health of the mother’s reproductive organs at the same time. In today’s busy healthcare environment, ultrasounds performed in a doctor’s office can often be rushed due to time constraints and the necessity to obtain the required set of images to adequately examine the baby’s well-being. Many times family members and siblings are not permitted in the examination room and very few images of baby are provided for parents to take home and cherish for the remainder of the pregnancy. In addition to the proper prenatal care, expecting parents now have the option of seeing their baby in a whole new way with real-time 3D and 4D imaging!

Cathy Fraser
Stork Vision Omaha
“Ultrasound is wonderful tool that has many uses during pregnancy,” says Cathy Fraser, RDMS, BA, owner of Stork Vision Omaha. “It is created solely by sound waves and does not emit radiation so studies have shown that it is perfectly safe for mother and baby. Most women receive a screening ultrasound also knows as a ‘Diagnostic’ or ‘Anatomy’ scan; they help to detect abnormalities and assure baby is developing normally. These exams are often covered by insurance and referred by the expectant mom’s healthcare provider.
Stork Vision offers ‘Elective Ultrasounds’ which are not covered by insurance; however, we try to keep our rates low and offer many specials and discounts to assist with the cost. We do require proof of prenatal care in the form of an ultrasound picture from the current pregnancy, appointment card, or the like; Stork Vision believes very strongly in the importance of proper prenatal care. All of our scans are reviewed by a board-certified OBGYN and provide a limited report that includes fetal number, position, heart rate, and adequacy of fluid. Our Medical Director will address any abnormalities that are detected; however, this is not a substitute for a detailed Diagnostic/Anatomy scan.
The benefit of 3D/4D imaging is the remarkable bonding that mom, dad, siblings, and family members experience by being able to ‘meet’ baby before s/he is even born. Watching baby move, suckle, and open his/her mouth, while still in the womb, is an once-in-a-lifetime experience–as one client said, ‘It’s like we’re cheating!’ Stork Vision allows family members and children; as many as the client wants to bring. We have two full-sized couches and a 60” viewing screen. We also allow Facetime and the like for loved ones who are not able to attend in person.”
She further advises, “The best time for 3D/4D imaging is between 26-33 weeks. At this point baby has had time to build up subcutaneous fat and looks much more like a newborn. However, this is simply a recommendation, we have imaged earlier than 26 weeks and later than 33 weeks. We will always work with our clients to give them the best possible images at any point in their pregnancy.”
While there’s a lot that goes into maintaining good health, no matter what stage of life or curveball that’s thrown your way, it’s easier than it seems to stay on track with the help of the experts in their respective fields. Especially with the stressful, fast-paced lifestyle that more of us have adopted in modern times, and with distractions and unhealthy yet more convenient options seemingly around every corner, it can be challenging to take care of ourselves in the ways we know we should. As such, it helps to have guidance and support from those who are knowledgeable and who you trust with something so important as your health during the years you are afforded to enjoy all that life has to offer. With all of the benefits of staying healthy, it’s without a doubt the best investment in and most worthwhile pursuit for yourself and your family!