New Year’s Resolutions in Omaha, NE

Welcome to 2016 – have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet? If not, don’t worry, it’s never too late to set a new goal and work towards bettering yourself! Likewise, even if you know what your goal(s) are for the coming year, the next step is planning how you’ll reach them.

Improving Your Health & Fitness

When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, among the most popular are health and fitness related: eating healthier, working out regularly, quitting smoking, cutting down on alcohol intake, and so on. While it sounds easy enough, we are all-too-familiar with how hard it can be to stick to these goals past the first month or two. However, it can be done and it’s well worth giving it your best shot!


Kathi Bratberg – Eat Well Nutrition & Wellness

All things considered, nutrition has a far reaching impact that affects every part of our bodies and how they function. “Proper nutrition is essential for living a healthy, happy life,” says Kathi Bratberg, owner of Eat Well Nutrition & Wellness. “The best part about how far we’ve come and the vast knowledge we have access to regarding nutrition today is that there are many creative ways to reach your goals. From supplements to clean eating to holistic practices and so much more, we are all empowered with the ability to pick what will work best for each of us instead of a one-size-fits-all approach that only works for a select few.

When it comes to food, speaking from personal experience, once someone tells you that you can’t have something it usually ends up being exactly what you want! This makes integration key – adding things gradually to build a healthy diet is much better from a psychological standpoint than taking things away all at once. I have an add/avoid list that I give to my clients for reference, which allows them to build upon their goals as they see fit. Sooner than you think you’ll be eating healthier, and you’ll begin to pick up momentum because your body will start craving more of the healthy foods and less of the junk foods. Also, make it a point to try opting for organic foods whenever possible. Even if it’s frozen, it’s still better than other foods that contain a myriad of unhealthy, potentially harmful ingredients.

At Eat Well Nutrition and Wellness we approach goal-setting based upon each individual we work with that takes into consideration more than just the food you are putting on your plate. We have many tools at our disposal and they help us to establish a plan and to make adjustments as necessary. For example, we offer an ORGANIX test that provides an overall picture of how the body is functioning. This simply involves sending a urine specimen off to a lab named GENOVA, and from there its analyzed and they provide a detailed report including recommendations as to how to best address any issues that are present. It’s very specific to the individual and allows me to view a lot of information and to pinpoint what needs to happen moving forward. So basically here’s what your body is telling me and here’s what we can do. I also frequently utilize a BIA machine, which gives me vitals such as BMI, fat to lean muscle ratio, level of cellular hydration, etc. This is also very telling of how the body could benefit from targeted adjustments.”

She adds, “It’s easy to focus on the really big goals we have for ourselves, but often you’ll find more success if you break that down to small changes you can incorporate and then build off of that for sustained progress. Furthermore, be as specific as possible as to your goals and how you will go about achieving them. Take eating healthier for example, because that’s a very broad goal and it will affect many other aspects of your life. Break it down to smaller goals and start out with what’s attainable. For instance, part of eating healthier for you might be focusing on eating more vegetables or trying new ones. That can get even more focused, such as resolving once a week while you’re at the store to buy one vegetable you’ve not really tried much and cook it in different ways until you find out what you like. Then add another vegetable into the mix and do the same thing until you have many more options to choose from.

A new year is a time to try new things, and if you have a goal that incorporates health or nutrition, make sure to utilize the available resources as much as possible. My advice is to find something that you are really interested in doing and that’s feasible, piques your enthusiasm, and make sure to learn more about it first! Do your research by looking into all of the different ways you could potentially achieve your goal. For example, there’s a million ways to exercise. If you hate the gym, perhaps pick up a class such as Tai Chi. If you absolutely hate to cook, there’s ways around that too. It’s often the simple things that can make a big impact, so don’t overthink it. Most of the time I find that it’s more of a problem of not knowing where to go or who to go to for help, so start by asking a professional you trust in the industry for referrals.”

Headshot - Sean Fuller - Just Good Meat

Sean Fuller – Just Good Meat

“No matter when you get started, whether it’s now or a few months down the road, it’s important to do your best to honor the resolutions that you’ve set for yourself,” adds Sean Fuller, owner of Just Good Meat. “These are things that are important to you, but you have to put in the work on the follow-through every day to turn your goals from thoughts or words to reality. Keeping your resolutions at the forefront of your life day in and day out will keep you accountable and it’s all about progress, not perfection.

At Just Good Meat we serve a lot of customers who are working towards health and fitness goals, particularly because we have such a wide variety of healthy protein options to choose from. When it comes to dieting, it’s not very appealing to eat the same thing over and over again. Consider what you put into your body carefully, but also keep in mind logistics such as when you’re eating and how to prepare yourself to make good decisions on a consistent basis. Meal prep is a great way to set yourself up for success.

Just to give you a few example of the lean proteins we have available, as far as steaks go our tenderloins are fantastic and the top sirloin, although not quite as tender but still with great flavor, is a close second. When it comes to exotic meats we offer elk and buffalo, which are very healthy as they are both meats that are high in protein and low in trans fats. We carry a huge line of fresh seafood, with salmon, tilapia, white or orange roughy, and walleye being our most popular items. You could also incorporate pork chops for even more variety, because they aren’t overly fatty either. Last but not least, chicken is largely the most well recognized source of protein for those who are focused on healthy eating. As with all of our other offerings, there’s a wide variety to choose from here too. We have a selection of low-sodium marinated chicken breasts along with other marinade flavors such as lemon pepper, butter garlic, tomato basil, etc.

Any of these are relatively simple and quick to cook up, whether you’re throwing it on the grill, baking it, or pan frying it – whatever you like best, go for it. The key to plan ahead to ensure that you have easy access to healthy food throughout the day, because it’s important to eat small portions frequently as opposed to one or two large meals. Your body wants to be as efficient as possible so it will train itself to avoid storing fat and you’ll also benefit from a higher metabolism. Once you’ve established a system and committed to it, you’ll be able to simply eat when you’re hungry, which will be about every 2-3 hours like clockwork.”

He further emphasizes, “I can’t stress the importance of meal preparation enough. We sell a nice package, the ‘7 Day Meal Plan for Two.’ You’ll get exactly what the name says; it’s portioned out to cover seven meals for two people, or 14 meals altogether if you’re flying solo. At $39.50 for the bundle, it’s a fantastic deal and has become a customer favorite. It includes four 6-8oz boneless chicken breasts, two 7oz sizzle sirloin steaks, two 8oz salmon steaks, two 8oz tilapia filets, two 8oz boneless pork chops, and then your choice of 1lb of ground buffalo or 1lb of ground elk. This way you can simply pick up the package, cook it up, and you’re all set for the week ahead.”

Oftentimes with New Year’s resolutions, eating better and working out more go hand-in-hand. Fitness goals are also far ranging, with so many different ways to exercise there are plenty of ways to mix it up in order to reach your goals.

Photo-Richard-Messina-Play-It-Again-Sports-Omaha-Nebraska-Holiday Cheer

Richard Messina – Play It Again Sports

“The main piece of advice I can offer for a New Year’s Resolution related to fitness would be to choose something that you enjoy doing,” advises Richard Messina, owner of the Play It Again Sports store in Omaha.  “Many exercises that are monotonous can be hard to keep up with from day to day.  In order to make fitness a habit, you need to be continually challenged both mentally and physically.  A boring routine isn’t a routine for long; it is an event you think of a million excuses to avoid.  Find something enjoyable and flexible.  Don’t bite off more than you can chew either–if you are expecting to start working out 2 hours a day when you haven’t worked out in 5 years, that may be too big a leap.  Build up to your goals.  Set smaller, more attainable goals in the beginning to get your confidence growing in your own abilities.  Everyone can make a change for the better.

We’d love to help you reach your goals. In fact, Play It Again Sports is THE place in Omaha to get those goals met for 2016! We have a large assortment of new and gently used fitness equipment to choose from.  Whether it be a treadmill, elliptical, rower, stationary bike or a bench with a bar and weights, we have you covered.  Our new stock is up-to-date with the latest and greatest in the fitness industry and our used equipment changes daily, so it’s advantageous to come in often to check out the newest selection.  If you don’t have room in your home or budget for a big piece of fitness equipment, we have several pieces with economical space-saving features.  We have treadmills, ellipticals, rowers and stationary bikes that fold up to take up less space. Instead of heavy bars, plates or dumbbells, try out our resistance bands.  They can be attached to doors, handles or just used alone for an excellent anaerobic workout.  Resistance bands are especially great for those who travel but want to continue their same workout routine while they are away from home. Play It Again Sports also has a large selection of workout DVDs with most of them marked at $5.99.

If you have exercise equipment at home that just isn’t the right fit for you….if you are not enjoying your workouts (and therefore not doing them), bring your equipment to the store and we’ll give you cash or in-store credit for your fitness gear.  Have you met those 2015 resolutions and now need more of a challenge?  Bring in your gear and trade it up for heavier weights or something new you would like to try.  Whatever your fitness goals, stop into Play It Again Sports and talk with our knowledgeable sales associates.  They can help you with ideas for weight loss, toning or strength conditioning.

Perhaps your 2016 resolution is to take your sport to the next level of competitive play.  We can help most athletes with the gear they need from beginner to the most serious competitor.  A great example would be our baseball equipment.  We have new and used beginner gloves, bats and training aids.  However, we also carry high end gear for those more serious about the sport.”

He continues, “When you come into Play It Again Sports, it is helpful for us to know a few things to help meet your needs.  First, what is your fitness goal?  Do you want to lose weight or gain weight?  Do you want to work on toning or building bigger muscle mass?  Do you have any medical issues that are pertinent to your fitness goals?  Are you training for a race or just hoping to work up to walking for several minutes a day?  What is the space you have in your home for the equipment?  What is your budget?  These are several of the questions we may ask you when we’re trying to fit you with the best piece of equipment for you and your family.

Keep in mind that getting in better physical shape can be a family affair.  Healthy parents tend to have healthy children.  Make physical exercise fun and something that can be a lifelong passion.”

Building Upon Your Skill Set

As previously mentioned, your goal might be to improve a skill you have such as a sport or hobby. Or, you may have always wanted to try something new and this is the year you’ve resolved to take action and do it.


Gerry Phelan – Midwest Woodworkers

“Resolving to learn a new skill or revive a long-dormant hobby is an excellent way to start the New Year,” says Gerry Phelan, owner of Midwest Woodworkers.  “We all have an inner urge to improve and be creative.  Sometimes that urge gets sublimated to the demands of everyday living, but it’s always there.  Hobbies are a way to let your creative urges out.  If a hobby or skill engages and satisfies, you should make time for it.

I myself happen to think woodworking is an excellent outlet.  It stimulates your creativity and is not as difficult or mysterious as you might think.  Plus, you end up with projects you can use and display for years to come.  It is really hard to beat the satisfaction that comes from making something with your own hands.

Midwest Woodworkers offers classes specifically aimed at helping people get started in woodworking.  Our classes are small, 3-5 people at most and are very ‘hands-on’.  We start with safety and make sure everyone understands the equipment and the techniques.  Most of our classes involve making a project you can take home with you.

I highly recommend anyone give woodworking a try!  Get so focused on a project that for a while you forget about all your problems.  It will be good for you.  And you may surprise yourself with what you are able to create. And whatever your hobby, whether you are experienced or just starting out, resolve to be safe in 2016. In the case of woodworking, it involves powerful tools with very sharp edges.  Understanding how to use them safely is critical.   I would urge anyone who is interested in woodworking as a hobby to get advice and training to be sure you can enjoy working safely.”

He adds, “Go for positive change this year.  When you make your New Year resolutions avoid thinking about what you ‘should do’ or want to stop doing.   It’s hard to be committed to a negative and without strong commitment your resolution will likely fade.

Rather, when you make your resolutions this New Year, focus on something you really ‘want to’ do.  What will make you happy or make your life better?  When you resolve to achieve positive goals, your internal motivation can make all the difference.  Resolve to do something you’ve always wanted to try.  Make that new hobby happen!

Whatever you choose when you are making your New Year’s resolutions be sure to include a new hobby as something positive you do for yourself.”

Furthering Your Education

Learning something new is indeed a fantastic goal to set for each new year. Taking that a step further, your goals might include continuing your education and pursuing that degree you’ve set your sights on. For those in the business world, that’s likely an MBA and our state is home to a fantastic program to do just that.

Headshot - Richard DeFusco - UNL CBA

Richard DeFusco – UNL CBA

“The MBA provides you with the opportunity to either sharpen your general management skills or it can provide you with new skills to assist in making a career change,” says Richard DeFusco, Director of MBA/MABA Programs at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Business Administration.  “Our program’s flexibility and affordability make it an outstanding choice.

If you decide on pursing an MBA at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln you will be receiving your education from a Big Ten school with top notch research faculty.  Our faculty has extensive work experience that adds to the MBA experience.  We offer the MBA both on campus and online.  Regardless of your career goals, our program can be structured to suit your needs. Elective courses can be used to pursue general management knowledge or you can choose to specialize in a particular area of business.  Along with our outstanding faculty, you will interact with a cohort of bright and motivated MBA students.

The MBA is a 48 hour program comprised of ten core courses and six electives.  We have rolling admissions and you can start during any one of the five 8-week terms we offer.  Our typical student works full time and takes one course per term.  When you consider balancing work and life concerns, the MBA program on average takes 3 to 4 years to complete.

Once you decide that the MBA is the right choice, you should plan on taking the GMAT or GRE examination.  You can visit our program website ( for more information on applying to our program.”

Focusing on Family

Time is precious, and how we spend it is the focus of many New Year’s resolutions. Simply being more intentional and recognizing the resources that are available to help us make the most of our time is a great start.

Ty Delley of Back2Family Headshot

Ty Delley – Back2Family

“There are so many ways Back2Family can help with not only family-related resolutions, but very traditional resolutions such as personal health as well,” explains Ty Delley, owner of Back2Family. “We focus on how we can team up with families so that they can maximize their time and spend it together doing meaningful things. Our core services include: transportation, homework assistance, meal preparation, brief errands and household tidying up. When the support system is in place that allows parents to be more intentional with their time and with the time they have with their kids, there is an immediate payoff. The benefits are immeasurable – less stress, healthier lifestyles, more time as a family and increased engagement at home and at work.

What’s so great about the services we provide is that they are customized to accommodate the very specific needs of each of our clients. For instance, if the goal is to have more focused time with family, coming home to the typical ‘to do’ list that accompanies each evening often consumes a majority of the time that could be spent with the kids. Studies have shown that an average working family spends 3 hours commuting, cooking and doing household chores compared to 30 minutes with their kids each night. Imagine the immediate benefit of having a Family Partner who has been specifically matched to a family who helps ensure the dry cleaning has been picked up, the kids are home, homework is done, the house is picked up, and dinner is on the table when parents arrive home.”

She further advises, “Often times, it’s the planning and preparation that keep us from maintaining our New Year’s Resolutions, so our Family Partners can provide parents the time to work out after work, and even help meal plan, grocery shop and cook according to specific health-related goals.

We feel that our consultative approach allows us to find the best ways to help our clients meet their goals. Sometimes families don’t know specifically what they need, so we’re here to help come up with creative solutions. While we have a core list of services we provide families, the scope of how we serve our families is wide and flexible to meet each family’s specific needs.

Our business is also designed to flex with the changing needs and goals of each family. So, while having meal planning and preparation may be a priority at the beginning of the relationship, it may transition to more focused and dedicated time spent on homework assistance and child transportation later on. We schedule periodic ‘checks’ with families to help ensure the priorities are aligned, communication is clear and we have a clear vision of the short and long-term goals of each family. We are truly there to partner with families and help them feel successful in managing work life and home life.

All things considered, simply transforming the way you spend your evenings will do wonders, transforming your life in ways you may not have previously thought were possible!”

Setting Your Goals

It’s important to recognize that for any lifestyle change to be successful long-term, it requires honest evaluation and then commitment to stay the course until you’ve accomplished what you set out to do and achieved the desired results. With so much of a focus on immediate gratification nowadays, we’ve started to believe there has to be a fast way to change anything but more often than not, the truth is that there’s no quick fix.

Go back and read Merriam-Webster’s definition of a resolution.  It implies that a resolution is not a singular thought or idea about something we want to have or achieve.  That would be a wish instead of a resolution.  A resolution is actually the plan you create to go about resolving a problem you’ve identified. Plans usually take more than one step to finish, they often need changes along the way, and sometimes hiring a professional is necessary if you don’t have the knowledge or skills to create or carry out the plans yourself.  So when you create a resolution, understand that achieving success will most likely require an extended personal commitment, some investment of time and possibly finances, and maybe even professional assistance.

Furthermore, Albert Einstein said it best when he defined the term “insanity” as, “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  If you want a different result for any aspect of your life, then trying something other than what you’ve always done is required.

So, as you’re setting your New Year’s resolutions for 2016, make sure to keep in mind the difference between wishing and planning.  A resolution is not a wish.  It may start that way; with a thought of how things could be different.  But in order to be successful you need to follow up that wish with a plan.  Don’t just think—DO.  Don’t just be—BECOME.  Have COURAGE to commit to carving a new path for your thoughts and actions.  Old roads are easily traveled, but remember, they always lead to the places you’ve been before.

No matter what your resolutions are for 2016, it’s important not to go it alone. There are plenty of experts in the Omaha community that can help you get from where you’re at now to where you want to be. Reaching your goals will take work and perseverance, but as with anything worth doing, the results will be well worth the effort. Remember, it’s much more about progress than perfection—moving forward in a positive direction is always better than remaining in the same place. Set those goals now and find the best ways for you to make them happen in 2016!