New Year’s Resolutions

As a new year unfolds, it is natural to look forward and envision the successes we hope to have. At Strictly Business, we are believers in the power of clear and compelling goals. Here are some tools we have found that can make this your best year yet!

Clearly Define Your Goal and Start Today

Set a deadline and begin today! You are much more likely to achieve success if you know you want to lose 10 pounds by April 1 through tri-weekly morning runs than if you merely say your goal is to lose weight.

Tim Messina
9Round Fitness

Tim Messina, gym manager at 9Round Fitness, shared his thoughts on the importance of creating a specific plan to master your goals.

“My biggest piece of advice is to have a plan in place!” he said. “Many people set New Year’s resolutions that are outcome-based, such as I want to lose 15 lbs. What often gets forgotten is how exactly you plan on achieving that outcome. Setting detailed process-based goals (e.g. “I will exercise after work three times per week for 30 minutes”) will help you stay on the path toward self-improvement. The more specific and realistic you are with your goals, the more likely you are to find success. Write your plan down and put it somewhere you can see it every day, such as the bathroom mirror. Master the processes and the outcome will take care of itself. At 9Round Fitness, we provide solutions to many common obstacles that people find in establishing healthy habits,” Tim said. “In this day and age, people work longer hours than ever, and time is a precious commodity. Our workout is only 30-minutes long, and because of our circuit style, we also don’t have class times. That means we’re on YOUR schedule! Another roadblock is boredom or staleness, and we combat that by switching up the workout every day. At 9Round, there are always trainers available to take you through the workout. We work with members of all fitness levels and make sure you’re performing exercises safely.”

Write Down Your Goals and Organize Your Space

Did you know you are 42% more likely to achieve a goal if you write it down than if you do not? That’s a huge increase in the probability of success for such a small effort! If you find that your home or work space is cluttered and disorganized and this makes it difficult to keep your thoughts organized in working toward a new goal even if you write it down and post it, consider giving your space a makeover with some updates to improve organization. Closet & Storage Concepts can help you organize your space. Their 2,000-square-foot showroom is the largest in Omaha, with a design station that allows you to create a 3-dimensional plan on a flatscreen.

Ken Incontro
Closet & Storage Concepts

“Customers love our design center,” Owner Ken Incontro said. “We have beautiful displays ranging from custom walk-in closets to pantries and even garages! Customers can pick from a variety of colors, features, hardware, and door samples. It’s great.”

Closet & Storage Concepts offers free in-home estimates for anyone interested in enhancing their space but unsure of how to go about it. Their team of experts will assess your space for you and give you options and suggestions for space optimization.

Set Goals That Benefit You in Multiple Areas

Dr. Kelly Schroeder
Venus Vein Clinic

Something that many people don’t think about when setting goals is the impact a single goal could potentially have on multiple areas of life. Dr. Kelly Schroeder with VENUS Vein Clinic shared her thoughts on this idea:

“Are you looking to improve your health this year? Because if you have pain in your legs, swelling, or restless legs that rob you of sleep, the best thing you can do to meet your New Year’s goals is to have your veins evaluated. If you aren’t sleeping well because your legs are restless and throbbing, you’ll be performing less than your best self. Many people don’t know that vein disease is covered by medical insurance, and correcting vein disease can improve your life by allowing you to be more active, lose weight, or just get those solid nights of sleep you have needed for so long. If you are suffering from vein disease and struggling with varicosities or spider veins or dealing with any other unpleasant symptoms of poor vein health, we can help! At VENUS Vein Clinic, we can suggest a treatment plan to treat vein disease and we specialize in the most advanced procedures. We are one of the only clinics in the Omaha metro area to offer state of the art VenaSealTM ablations. We also offer a variety of other treatments such as radiofrequency ablations, Varithena ® ablations, sclerotherapy, and specialized compression therapy. Treating this condition is fairly simple, and no down-time is required. Any steps you take today toward improved health will benefit you tomorrow and the day after,” she said.

As you plan success for a new year, be clear in your intentions. Remember that you don’t have to achieve your goals alone. Skilled and caring professionals are ready to assist you in having the best year yet!