Wow, I can’t believe we are already sent our December magazine to press!! The holidays are in full swing and I hope everyone is having a wonderful season with friends and family. Our December magazine is full of great information for you and we hope you take the time to read about all the great businesses we’re featuring in our press release section this month. Make sure you congratulate these businesses on their admirable accomplishments that make Lincoln the great place to live and work that it is!
We’re wrapping up our holiday series this month with our Last Minute Gift Giving and After Holiday Party features. If you haven’t yet purchased all of your holiday gifts or have not yet scheduled your corporate holiday party, these are two must-read features!
Our third feature story is on a movement that gets stronger each year: Environmental Efficiency or, as many know it, ‘going green’. Do you want to find out how to save money and the planet in your business? Then this is the feature story for you!
With all the fun stuff that comes along with the holidays, there are also some negatives—such as the adverse weather conditions. If you’re concerned with driving this in the coming months, make sure you check out our Winter Driving feature for some great tips from the experts.
Our final feature story is perfect for those who are helping their parents make important living decisions. Perhaps they are in need of in-home help or are ready to consider retirement community living. If you are dealing with this situation, you’ll want to read our Senior Living feature article.
Happy holidays to all of our readers! We hope you have a relaxing season filled with everything and everyone you love!