The Nebraska Humane Society is a haven for animals, so it only makes sense that there are quite a few pets in this particular workplace at any given time! With the mission to protect, save and enrich the lives of animals in the community, welcoming pets to join their owners for the day or evening undoubtedly falls in the latter. In fact, the offices throughout the building were designed to be perfectly suited for this exact purpose with double Dutch doors that are able to remain open on top without any wandering or funny business from the employees’ furry visitors below…until playtime, that is! It’s safe to say that at the Nebraska Humane Society it’s just as rare for an office in the building to be without a pet bed or a stray bone as a phone or computer.

While having pets in the workplace is already a given as there are so many temporary visitors on the journey to finding their forever home, there is a lot of positive socialization and interaction that comes from having employees’ pets accompany them to work. These pets often lift the spirits of those in the shelter as a playful friend and much needed companion that helps to temporarily alleviate a bit of the anxiety and sadness. Furthermore, there is a sense of community that comes from all of the employees and their pets interacting with one another throughout the day which makes the workplace enjoyable for all. And as an organization charged with the care of animals, there are always plenty of spare treats, toys and comfy blankets on-hand to go around too!

With the vision of a good home for every pet, the work that goes on every day at the Nebraska Humane Society is important to say the least. Employees and their pets play a vital part in that work and the environment at the Nebraska Humane Society is all the better for it. If you’re looking to add a new member of the furry variety to your family, or in your workplace, please consider adoption. For more information, please contact the Nebraska Humane Society at (402) 444-7800, stop by the shelter at 8929 Fort Street, or visit