has been doing business inside of Headsetters for a year and, in 2012, decided to expand the offerings and become its own business. does computer virus removal, computer hard drive wiping and offers a wide selection of off-lease commercial-grade laptops, desktops, monitors and printers. The company is owned by Marvin Holst, who also owns and operates Headsetters.
What do you think makes you different from other companies similar to yours?
We are very unique in that we offer commercial-grade off-lease computers for sale. These units are generally loaded with extra features and only 2-3 years old at a much reduced price.
What do you like about doing business in the Omaha area?
We like getting the repeat customers back and they also refer new customers to us because we show them how to avoid the computer viruses. If they have a machine that is a total loss, we can also help them get a really updated computer to replace it.
What kind of community organizations/groups are you involved with?
Aside from the Chamber of Commerce’s in Omaha, Council Bluffs and Sarpy County, we are again working on a Food Bank Campaign.
Do you have a business philosophy or mission statement?
We do have a Mission Statement posted in our offices, but an overall statement would be “Treat people like you would like to be treated, be fair, be honest; your reputation depends on it.”
What changes have you seen in the industry and your company in the past few years?
There are a lot more computer viruses lurking in enticing emails and they hit you before you realize what you did. It seems to be growing all the time.
What do you see happening with the business in the next five years?
We see a computer virus removal business growing rapidly and as consumers realize the value in off-lease computers that are loaded with extras, they will seek us out to save time and money.
What is one of the biggest challenges that your company has faced?
We overcame the 2008-2009 recessionary downturns and have grown considerably since that time; we still face the challenges of growing the companies for the future.
What has been your most important achievement as a business?
The ability to have hired great employees who share the company’s ideals and future plans.
What was the biggest turning point in your business?
That occurred as technology forced us and our customers to get into the digital age which we totally embrace.
What is the most unique or interesting thing about your business that most people don’t know?
That we started as a tiny sideline and as it spread, we had the opportunity to add the off-lease computer sales.
What is one goal for your business that you have yet to accomplish?
We have a long way to go for our computer business and growing the business will be on the goal sheet for several years.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Yes, it is so interesting that with the computer virus removal, the majority of our customers fit into the “Grandpa-Grandma” category. They often let their grandchildren on their computers and that’s where the viruses come from.
More information about ComputerOmaha can be found on their website at