CFO Systems, LLC provides financial leadership to companies throughout the Midwest. They serve their clients as interim and time-share CFOs and Controllers, providing practical, experienced financial leadership on our clients’ schedules. CFO Systems was started in 2004 by Brett Frevert and Karen Snow joined the firm in May 2006. Together, they operate the firm.
What do you think makes you different from other companies similar to yours?
Experience and bench strength. As we say in our marketing material, “we’ve been there” – – each of our directors has had a leadership position in a number of companies, typically CFO and Controller positions. Our team approach is also very unique for our market – we typically have two or more directors familiar with a client, providing a range of knowledge, excellent backup, and we are “always available” for the clients.
What do you like about doing business in the Omaha area?
Omaha is filled with amazingly down to earth, hard-working, good people. Integrity and work ethic are givens. We have found people to be continually looking out for the good of others. This makes it extremely easy to be a service provider in this market.
What kind of community organizations/groups are you involved with?
We have a passion for kid issues, and therefore support primarily kid groups – Project Harmony, Food Bank, Archdiocean Committee for Development/Childrens Scholarship Fund, and of course, United Way.
Do you have a business philosophy or mission statement?
CFO Systems, LLC provides world-class financial leadership to the Middle Market.
What changes have you seen in the industry and your company in the past few years?
As the economy has shifted over the past few years, outsourcing – especially outsourcing positions at the executive level has become much more common. When I first started in 2004, I spent a lot of time explaining our business model to prospective clients. These days people understand the benefits of outsourcing right away.
What do you see happening with the business in the next five years?
Next month we are opening an office in Abilene, TX. It is the first new office to open as a part of our Licensing program. Over the next few years we will be working to expand our services across the country.
What is one of the biggest challenges that your company has faced?
One of our biggest challenges continues to be which clients to accept. We are presented with literally dozens of “opportunities” monthly. Our challenge is to perform sufficient due diligence to ensure we work only with clients with integrity AND a viable business.
What has been your most important achievement as a business?
To provide opportunities for success to our colleagues as well as our clients. When our clients win, we win.
What was the biggest turning point in your business?
Bringing Karen Snow into the firm. Her technical skills are unsurpassed in the region, and matched only by her people skills.
What is the most unique or interesting thing about your business that most people don’t know?
We are not seeking “good accountants”… we are seeking “good entrepreneurs with accounting or finance expertise”. Our role with our clients is truly as a member of the leadership team, helping to clarify the vision, mission and strategy, and then to implement them. Accounting is merely a tool for our trade.
What is one goal for your business that you have yet to accomplish?
We will have five offices across the US by mid-2012.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Capitalism and the ability to be entrepreneurial are fantastic. I’ve been blessed to have a great family, great clients, and great colleagues. I hope everyone out there has the opportunity to design and build something they are truly proud of.
For more information about CFO Systems, LLC, please contact us at (402) 884–0066 or visit us on the web at