Meet Linette Bradley, a Designer at Maven Tile & Stone (

Tell us a little about your business. – Maven Tile & Stone is a premier tile and stone showroom that has been creating beautiful spaces for over 20 years in the greater Los Angeles and Orange County areas. Recently, we have relocated to Lincoln, but our projects have been nationwide, ranging from commercial to residential. We source materials from all over the world and have curated beautiful and unique lines of materials for any size project. What sets Maven Tile & Stone apart is our commitment to providing outstanding personalized customer service to homeowners, contractors, architects and designers helping create beautiful, timeless and unique spaces!

How did you get started in the business? – I followed my passion for fashion and design and found a job that combined my interests of international business and design. I haven’t looked back since.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally? – Learning to give myself permission to detach from my work. As someone who is passionate about what I do, it can be difficult to step away from a project or task, even when I know it’s necessary. However, I’ve learned that taking breaks and allowing myself time to recharge is essential for maintaining my productivity and creativity.

What has been your most important achievement professionally? – Building strong, long-lasting relationships with clients and colleagues over the past 12 years. These relationships have been instrumental in my success and have led me to one of my longest and most important relationships. When I was presented with the opportunity to relocate my family and work for Lizett (again!), the Owner of Maven Tile & Stone, I took little to no hesitation.

What do you see as one of the biggest turning points in your life? – When I met my husband on March 14, 2020. I asked him to dance with me, not knowing that two days later, the world would shut down. Almost four years later and a baby, we have been enjoying the adventures, journey and company ever since!

What is your favorite thing to do on a day off? – Live bands, good food and good company!

What is the most unique or interesting thing about you that most people probably don’t know? – I can speak/understand five different languages.

Who inspires you? – I would say that my mom is up there on my list! In addition to her, there are so many amazing people throughout history who have inspired me with their creativity, courage and compassion. I also find inspiration in everyday people, such as those I might meet at a grocery store or on the street. It’s amazing how much inspiration there is.

What is your favorite quote or the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? – A college professor once gave me the best advice I’ve ever received: get a mentor and get one as early as possible in your career. I took his advice to heart and was fortunate enough to have Mr. Mel Pasquale as my mentor. He has guided me throughout my career and helped me in so many ways! Thanks Mel!

If you could choose only one descriptive word to be remembered as, what would it be? – Influential.

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