Say hello to Brandi Ballan, Vice President, Business Banking Solutions Officer at West Gate Bank (

Tell us a little about your business. – West Gate Bank is a family owned community bank founded in 1968 in Lincoln. Community banking has been our focus for over 50 years. We have seven locations in Lincoln and four locations in the Omaha Metro. West Gate Bank is a full-service bank, so whether you need a checking/savings account, commercial loan, mortgage loan or anything in between, we are here for you!

How did you get started in the business? – My career started out at a title company where I learned all about real estate transactions. I took that knowledge and got into banking 18 years ago as a loan assistant. I have been on the cash management side of banking for the last 10 years and have also done some small business lending and private banking.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally? – I have been through two bank sales! It’s never easy dealing with a change in ownership and all of the uncertainty that comes with it. I’m glad I stayed through the change-over because I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t.

Tell us a little about your family. – My husband and I have been married for 17 years. We have two children. Our daughter is starting high school and our son is going into middle school. They keep us very busy with their sports activities and social lives. We also have a four pound yorkie named Stella!

What is your favorite thing to do on a day off? – I love to go shopping with my daughter, play golf if the weather is nice and spend time with my family!

What is the most unique or interesting thing about you that most people probably don’t know? – My high school graduating class only had 23 people in it!

Who inspires you? – My parents have always been my inspiration. They taught me what hard work and dedication will get you from a young age. My kids also inspire me daily and are my why. I want to instill those same values and work ethic in them as they grow up.

What is your favorite quote or the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? – “Faith and fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see. You choose!” – Bob Proctor.

If you could choose only one descriptive word to be remembered as, what would it be? – Genuine.

If you could have a super power, what would it be? – Teleportation! I love to travel, so it would be amazing if I could snap my fingers and be where ever I wanted to go!

Which talent would you most like to have? – The ability to sing!

If you could choose any other profession to be successful in, what would it be? – I’ve always been a sports fanatic, so I would love to have Erin Andrews job!

What is your favorite movie? – Top Gun.

What is your favorite local Omaha restaurant? – The Drover.

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