Having started in the insurance business for Prudential and evolving into a stockbroker, Michael Skinner became acutely aware of the need to provide society with credible, useful and easy to understand financial literacy.  It became a goal of his to provide the public with a neutral site where they can feel confident in finding the right data that will serve them with the information they need to make appropriate decisions for their financial health and well-being.

The American Financial Literary Council {The AFLC} was formed to provide a broad spectrum of financial education and counsel to the general public.

Tell us a little about your family.
I am so blessed with great family and friends.  While I may be single with no children, there are many friends I consider family.  In addition, my mom, Jean Skinner, was an extraordinary person, to say the least.  She was an amazingly talented and elegant lady, who passed away not too long ago.  She was a community leader and very successful in the arts.  My parents were very happily married for 53 years.  My Dad, Mickey Skinner, Chairman Emeritus of New World Pasta, could not be better.  He is unsurpassed at character-driven leading by example.  I was adopted by Mickey and Jean:  You don’t get luckier than that.

What is your favorite thing to do on a day off?
I have a wide variety of interests.  From reading history, economics, law or biographies, to jet-skiing, snow or water skiing, golf, swimming, working out, sailing, hunting and fishing to attending a sporting event or going to dinner or the theater.

What is the most unique or interesting thing about you that most people probably don’t know?
When I entered Mt. Michael, I had a calling to help others.  Therefore, I thought seriously about becoming a priest.  The call to help others is a passion that has never really waivered; it is the driving motivator behind this project.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
More than anything else, you determine the outcome of your life.

What is the one goal you would most like to accomplish?
To successfully build the business and use the proceeds to bring the pasta business back to Omaha and the family.

If you could have a super power, what would it be?
To know and be able to alter the future.

What are your plans after retirement?
I would like to complete UNL’s Doctorate of Business and Law Degree combination program.  I would like to run for local office, perhaps State Senator or City Council.  I would like to learn to fly both an airplane and helicopter.  I’d like to spend a little more time hunting and preparing my own game.

What is your greatest talent that you don’t utilize in your daily work life?
My on-stage presence and talent is not utilized daily.

Which talent would you most like to have? 
Coach Osborne’s or Mike Yanney’s ability to analyze complicated subjects.

What is your favorite book or the last good book you read? 
The Traveler’s Gift, thanks to Melissa Marvin.  Highly recommended.

What is your favorite movie?
Sgt. York.  Simple character, defined.

What is your favorite TV show?
Anything historical, political, documentaries.

If you could have dinner with one famous person from the past or present, who would it be? 
With the exception of Jesus, Churchill, hands down.  Would probably be the most interesting, intelligent, engaging, and funny person one could share a table with…

If our readers would like to contact you, how should they do so?
They can email me at skinnerjm@thebasics.biz  or by calling (402) 215-5049. Also, anyone can visit us online at www.TheAFLC.org.