A little over three years ago, Brandon Stewart was sitting in his home office, trying to think of products/names of a company that he wanted to start up as a side business to bring the highest quality and yielding noticeable results. Little did he know that thinking up the name New Dawn that night would make a life-changing impact. New Dawn Nutrition is a company built by athletes, for athletes, with a reputation for integrity and outstanding quality products. New Dawn Nutrition is very different from other supplement companies because all their products are effective and science-based. New Dawn Nutrition takes a comprehensive approach to improving performance and intends for their products to be used together as an effective, unified system.
Tell us a little about your family. – I am the youngest of three brothers and my family are Omaha natives and owned one of Omaha’s landmark restaurants, Ross’ Steak House that has locations on 72nd & Pacific. It was founded by my grandparents, Ross and Josephine Lorello, then run by my mother Sandy.
What do you see as one of the biggest turning points in your life? – It would have to be when my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer over two years ago. It made me really realize how short and precious life truly is and that family is so important.
What is your favorite thing to do on a day off? – With starting a new business, I don’t know if there is such a thing haha. I do enjoy my gym time and putting my earphones in with a non-interrupted workout…that’s actually nice.
What is the most unique or interesting thing about you that most people probably don’t know? – That I had a extensive, decorated, collegiate and professional football career. Ranging form multiple NFL workouts and signing with the XFL to many years in arena football with our very own Omaha Beef.
What are you the most proud of? – That I have friends and family who have supported me in building my lifelong passion. Also, while running my store, I was able to compete multiple times in 2012 and won my pro card in Men’s Physique.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? – “Every day is a gift”.
What is the one goal you would most like to accomplish? – To build and grow New Dawn, not just locally but nationally, while never compromising the quality, integrity and results that we so highly defend!
If you could have a super power, what would it be? – As cool as it would be to fly I would say to have superhuman strength and the ability to heal would be my superpower of choice.
Which talent would you most like to have? – As I am a guitar enthusiast, I wish I was as accomplished as greats such as Eddie Van Halen or Eric Clapton.
What is your favorite book or the last good book you read? – Telltale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe
What is your favorite movie? – The Count of Monte Cristo
What is your favorite TV show? – American Pickers
What is your favorite local restaurant? – Blue Sushi at Legacy and downtown
If you could have dinner with one person from the past or present, who would it be? – Honestly, it would have to be and to see my Grandmother again. She was and always will be a major influence in my life. I would love to see her and thank her one last time.
If our readers would like to contact you, how should they do so? – They can contact me at (402) 933-9995, newdawnnutra@hotmail.com or visit us at Facebook.com/NewDawnNutrition