WasteCap Nebraska is hosting Construction and Demolition Waste Management workshops in Omaha on December 7th and in Lincoln on December 8th. There is an increasing demand for sustainable building projects nationwide. This workshop is designed to prepare contracting professionals to manage projects that require construction waste recycling as a part of sustainable building -while paying attention to the bottom line. Those who know how to recycle will be at a market advantage. The WasteCap Nebraska Construction and Demolition Recycling Training and Accreditation teaches the skills necessary to develop, manage, monitor, document and promote a successful recycling program for construction and demolition debris. It also provides training to obtain LEED points for construction waste management.
Upon completion of the one day course attendees will receive: accreditation in Construction Waste Recycling; Construction and Demolition Waste Management Toolkit; everything needed to meet criteria for LEED’s Materials and Resources Credits; and 7.5 CEU’s (for LEED AP’s).
To learn more about sponsorships or to register contact Rozz Beckman at rbeckman@wastecapne.org or call (402) 436-2383.
For more information about WasteCap Nebraska, please visit them online at www.wastecapne.org.