ASTD Nebraska, the local chapter of the American Society for Training and Development, is hosting a professional development program and workshop. Guest presenter and ASTD Nebraska president Terry Lee’s message will focus on coaching.
In order for a seed to grow it must be in fertile ground and watered on a regular basis. Think of your career as a seed. Is it in fertile ground? Are you in an environment that facilitates growth? How often do you “water” your career, giving it the necessary “food” that is needs? Is your career GROWing or are you helping facilitate the GROWth of someone else’s career? In this session we will take a look at the GROW coaching model to help shed some insight on how you can help facilitate yours or someone else’s Goals, Reality, Options and Willingness (GROW) to succeed. You will learn how to use the techniques of the GROW coaching model to help you and your colleagues be more effective in their professional and personal journey. You will be able take these tips and implement them right away.
The event will be held Wednesday, September 14th from 5-7 pm at Scott Conference Center, 6450 Pine Street in Omaha.
For more information about the American Society for Training and Development or to register, please visit or call (402) 850-6710.
ASTD Nebraska Announces GROWing Through Coaching Event