Ryan Uher Joins Outlook Nebraska as Brand Marketing Associate

Ryan Uher has joined Outlook Nebraska, Inc. (ONI; outlooknebraska.org), a charitable organization that’s the largest employer of the blind and visually impaired in Nebraska, as brand marketing associate.

Through training, employment and enrichment programs, ONI empowers local citizens of all ages with vision loss to be independent, confident and active, contributing members of society. As brand marketing associate, Uher will work to sustain and strengthen the ONI mission to positively impact everyone in the community who is blind or visually impaired. By sharing stories via social media, the web and other digital assets, Uher will increase awareness of the capabilities of the blind and visually impaired, motivate followers, clients and donors to engage with the ONI brand, and inspire advocates to invest further in the organization’s mission.

Prior to ONI, Uher was marketing director at Recuperative Care Center, a program of the National Health Foundation in Los Angeles. There, he increased program revenue, created a dashboard reporting system to track census and patient disposition, and developed strategic marketing plans. Uher also has held marketing positions with Marine Corps Community Services at Camp Pendleton and Nebraska Book Company. Under these roles, he was responsible for managing a wide range of marketing outreach initiatives, including campaigns, promotions, large-scale events, social media and website content. Uher has a B.A. degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

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