Performance Mountain Welcomes Coach Tom Osborne as Senior Performance Advisor
Performance Mountain LLC. (, a leadership and cultural dynamics consulting firm founded in 2016 by Commander Jack Riggins SEAL (Ret.) and Psychiatrist/High-Performance Mindset Coach Dr. Larry Widman, announced the addition of Coach Tom Osborne. Coach Osborne will join as the senior performance advisor. He will bring his unmatched experience in leadership and mentorship as a three-time national championship coach, athletic director, and congressmen to the team.
Performance Mountain specializes in developing high performance mental skills in individuals and creating elite culture in groups to win in any sector of business, sport and life. It was created to transform people and organizations, with expertise in leadership, culture, communication, team dynamics, and elite mental skill development.
“Having excellent chemistry within an organization is a critical part of the success of that organization. The best teams that I coached had great unity of purpose and chemistry. I would be glad to help any organization in need of improvement in those areas by reflecting on what has been successful in my previous experience,” said Coach Osborne.
For more information about Performance Mountain, visit