The Afterschool Alliance recently announced that Gwynette Williams, Program Director of Collective for Youth, has been selected to serve as a 2013-2014 Afterschool Ambassador.  She is one of just 12 local leaders from across the country to be chosen for the honor this year.  Each Afterschool Ambassador will continue directing or supporting a local afterschool program while also serving the one-year Afterschool Ambassador term organizing public events, communicating with policy makers, and building support for afterschool programs.

Collective for Youth’s goal is to build a sustainable system of quality out-of-school time programs in the Omaha metropolitan area. Collective for Youth’s high quality programs are directly tied to the school day curriculum and focus on recreation, academic enrichment, nutrition and cultural activities.  Collective for Youth serves a variety of stakeholders and oversees the provision of out-of-school time (OST) activities of 3,500 school students in 25 Omaha public schools. These opportunities for elementary to middle school students help provide the needed support so that they can achieve academic success and pursue higher education for a successful career.

The Afterschool Alliance is a nonprofit public awareness and advocacy organization working to ensure that all children and youth have access to quality afterschool programs.  More information is available at