Omaha Public Library Board of Trustees Elects New Officers, Welcomes New Member

During their June 18 board meeting, the Omaha Public Library (OPL); ( Board of Trustees elected a new slate of officers. Officers hold their position for one year beginning on July 1, 2020.

President – Mike Kennedy, attorney at Kennedy Law; vice president – Keegan Korf, smart cities coordinator at Omaha by Design; secretary/treasurer – Jen Rae Wang, head of government and regulatory affairs at Cox Communications; and outgoing president – Carol Wang, executive director of the Metro Omaha Medical Society, served six years on the board. Her vacancy will be filled by newly appointed board member Kristin Williams, director of community initiatives at The Sherwood Foundation.

Additional OPL board members include: Michael Alley, principal at Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture; John R. Barrett, director of government affairs at Great Plains Communications; Keith Lutz, former superintendent of Millard Public Schools, retired; Adrian Suarez-Delgado, Subway business franchisee; Jesse Sullivan, senior director of accounting policy at First National Bank of Omaha.

Omaha Public Library is governed by a nine-member board. Board members are appointed by the mayor and confirmed by city council to serve a three-year term. In accordance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act, OPL board meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 5 p.m. at different library locations. Schedules, agendas, and minutes from these meetings can be found at