Omaha Executives Association Elects Officers

Debbie Bremer of PIP Marketing Signs & Printing has been elected president of the Omaha Executives Association (OEA;, serving a 6-month term ending in December. Other officers elected were Maggie Mellema of C41 Photography – 1st Vice President and Dan Matuella of Omaha World Herald – 2nd Vice President. The secretary and treasurer positions are held by Scott Dye of Baird Holm Law Firm and Kevin Malick of Appreciated Advertising respectively.

OEA is comprised of approximately 92 local area businesses and was organized in 1924. With a member-elected Board of Directors and paid staff executive director, the OEA has been holding weekly business networking meetings for 94 years with the interchange of business information among its members as its primary purpose. With only one firm allowed per business category, each membership is exclusive in its field. A key executive, owner, major stockholder or top administrator is selected to represent each firm. “Through the sharing of referrals and leads with fellow members, many OEA member companies have enjoyed a great deal of growth and success through their affiliation with the group,” said Deb Bremer, who began her term as president in July. “We’re still thriving and growing after 90 years in existence, which makes us the area’s oldest and most well-established networking organization.”