Heartland Women’s Network (HWN) has announced their 2013-2014 Board of Directors. The following individuals promote the mission of HWN – to provide the structure women in the Heartland need in order to grow professionally and personally.

Director: Larissa Eckman; Co-Director: Andrea Maleki; Events/Program Chair: Kristen Patterson; Finance Chair: Kris McCombs; Membership Chair: Mindy Kidney; Creative, Web & Social Media Chair: Kim Bultsma; Sales/Marketing Chair: Amy Nieman.

Heartland Women’s Network is comprised of women from all walks of life – including business professionals, business owners, primary caregivers and college students. Please visit HeartlandWomensNetwork.com to learn more about how HWN can help you. To become a member, contact Mindy Kidney by email at HWNMembership@gmail.com today and let HWN serve as your advocate to help you with career development, difficult transitions and success strategies.