First Responders Foundation Welcomes New Director, Jason Workman

The First Responders Foundation ( recently welcomed Jason Workman as the new director of the First Responders Support Team Program (FRST). FRST supports the emotional and mental wellbeing of first responders and their families. This is accomplished through group workshops and programs, workplace training, spouse sessions, and one-on-one sessions. Jason has a passion for first responders and started the FRST Program as a volunteer. He is a licensed independent mental health practitioner, licensed alcohol and drug counselor, and clinically certified trauma professional. He has a master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling from Grace University. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Nebraska-Omaha, working with the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Jason’s experience includes working with first responders for the last 13 years as a law enforcement chaplain, and he is the regional clinical director for the state Critical Incident Stress Management Team. Jason has also served as a firefighter/EMT.

The First Responders Foundations mission is to serve and honor all first responders and their families, build appreciation and respect for their work, and enhance public safety. For more information, please visit Jason can be reached at