EverGreen Capital Management’s President and Chief Investment Officer, Michael Green was the keynote speaker at the graduation ceremonies for the Creighton Health Sciences Multicultural and Community Affairs Program.  This program is led by Sade Kosoko-Lasaki MD, MSPH, MBA, FAASS Associate Vice President Health Sciences and a very capable staff. The intensive year long program is dedicated to increasing the number of minority and disadvantaged students entering post graduate health science schools.  It was established in 1975 by Dr. John Elder and was one of the first formal programs in the country.  Subsequently, it has served as a model for other schools around the country.

Green was also a moderator for the fifth annual Value Investors Panel (VIP) discussion which took place on Creighton’s campus during the recent Berkshire Hathaway weekend.  This panel draws top investment professionals from around the country for a discussion of investment issues and their respective philosophies on Value Investing.  He has also been a guest speaker and co-teacher of the Portfolio Practicum class where the senior students manage a $4.5 million portfolio of securities.

Green founded EverGreen Capital Management, a Registered Investment Advisory Firm in 1989 and has managed assets for individual, institutional and business clients since 1990. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and an MBA from the University of Nebraska-Omaha.

For more information about EverGreen Capital Management, please visit www.evergreencapitalomaha.com.