Control Management Inc Welcomes Sharon Martin as VP of Business Development
Control Management Inc ( recently welcomed Sharon Martin to the team. Martin joined CMI as the Vice President of Business Development.
Martin brings over 20 years’ experience working with business and building owners to her position at CMI.
“We are excited to expand the energy and the team in our Omaha office and are thrilled to have Sharon join our team,” said Frederick Lerouge, CEO of CMI. “CMI has been solving clients’ problems with custom building solutions for over 30 years from our Omaha, Lincoln and Columbus offices. With the addition of Sharon, we will be able to further partner with our clients to enhance our comprehensive problem solving approach.”
Control Management Inc (CMI) is a local, full service building automation and control system company. CMI provides building owners easy to use building management systems that integrate with as many building systems as necessary (HVAC, lighting, access, security and more).
Partnering to improve building efficiency while providing local, reliable, expert service, at CMI you’ll work with “People you know, a company you trust.”
If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Frederick Lerouge at (402) 571-9454 or email at