Congratulations are in order to Justin, Kelly, Jahyra, Bre and Sara who are officially Brookestone Meadows ( mentors. They are committed to living out the Brookstone Meadows mission, vision and values every day. After Emily and Megan, two of the mentor advisors at Brookestone Meadows, took the current certified nursing assistants to mentor training, they rose to the challenge. Brookestone Meadows is always striving to grow their mentors to be able to impact their new certified nursing assistants on the floor. Brookestone Meadows is proud of how far they’ve come and hope they continue to give it their best every day.
Brookestone Meadows is a proud member of Vetter Senior Living and is passionate about providing quality life and quality care for seniors. Their mission, dignity in Life, is the heart of everything they do. They believe their unwavering commitment to excellence will allow them to change the view of long-term care. They want to make a difference the Vetter Way. Inquire today and apply to be a part of the heroic team that is providing world class care in rehabilitation independent or assisted living or skilled nursing. To learn more or apply to Brookestone Meadows, visit their website at