Ambius Welcomes Jess Dooley to Staff of Plant Professionals

Ambius ( announced the addition of Jess Dooley to their staff of plant professionals on June 25. Jess is a practicing yogi and a self-proclaimed, full-on plant nerd with passions for animals and reading. When asked what is favorite interior plant was, he said he couldn’t decide, but maybe either Schefflera arboricola (umbrella plant), Codiaeum variegatum (croton), or Dracaena trifasciata (snake plant)!

Ambius is an interior landscaping company serving the Omaha and Lincoln areas. Their plant professionals can keep your plants looking happy and healthy, and their services include live and artificial indoor plant displays for businesses, complete office-plant services, ambient scenting, commercial holiday decorations, green wall design, installation and maintenance, and more. Given all of the research showing that the presence of plants has positive effects on human psychology, Ambius believes that bringing more plants into your home and business is a smart choice in the modern era. Learn more at or by calling (402) 999-4825.