Tommy Tree Project Delivers Seedlings to Omaha Metro 3rd Graders for 25 Years

The Metro Omaha Builders Association’s Professional Women’s Council ( again partnered with the Papio-Missouri Natural Resources District to complete the Tommy Tree Project. The program began in 1992 with the goal to educate and inform 3rd grade students about the many reasons why we should conserve trees.

This year’s tree, the Common Elderberry, was provided through a Tree Grant program with the Papio-Missouri Natural Resources District. Nearly 2,000 seedlings, valued at $10,000, were distributed this year. In the 25 years of Tommy Tree program, more than 30,000 seedlings have been distributed to thousands of 3rd grade students.

In addition to the bagged tree, a “Tommy Tree” bookmark was included which emphasizes the Three “R’s”: Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. Trees were distributed to each school district in April, just in time for Arbor Day/Earth Day.

The Metro Omaha Builders Association was chartered in 1946 and is a not-for-profit organization that was established to promote and protect various aspects of the home building industry. MOBA members are builders/developers and their trade partners who are dedicated to preserving integrity and lifestyle through high professional standards and sound business practices in the industry. MOBA is well known for producing the Street of Dreams, the Omaha Home Show, Remodel Omaha Tour and the seasonal Parade of Homes. For more information about the Metro Omaha Builders Association, visit