Ted E. Bear Hollow’s 3rd Annual Grief Awareness Conference Set for Nov. 18th
Did you know . . . Almost 16 percent of students in grades 9 to 12 report having seriously considered suicide, and 7.8 percent report having attempted suicide one or more times in the past 12 months. Ted E. Bear Hollow’s (www.tedebearhollow.org) 3rd Annual Grief Awareness Conference is set to take place on Friday, November 18th from 8:15 am- 4:30 pm at Creighton University, Harper Center at 2500 California Plaza. The Grief Awareness Conference will increase awareness of the need for grief support following a suicide or other loss and bolster professional competencies in the field to aid in building a safe and supportive community for all grieving individuals.
Registration is $125 for full day and $85 full day for Students/Ted E. Bear Hollow Volunteer Facilitators. Morning Keynote Only (8:15-10:00am) – Understanding & Supporting Children & Teens After a Suicide Loss: $30. Award Luncheon & Ethics Keynote Only (12:00-2:00pm) – Treating Grief as a Mental Disorder: Concerns & Consequences: $30. Conference registration is available at www.tedebearhollow.org.
Dr. Donna Schuurman will be this year’s keynote presenter. Dr. Schuurman is the Sr. Director of Advocacy & Training and former Executive Director at The Dougy Center in Portland, OR. A seasoned and compelling speaker to audiences around the world, she also serves as a national trainer for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Dr. Schuurman will be conducting two plenary sessions for the Grief Awareness Conference. A complete list of workshops and continuing education credit information is available at www.tedebearhollow.org.
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