Brad Underwood and Scott Koethe with REBC | The Real Estate Brokerage Company will be participating in the annual Mustaches For Kids mustache growing event. During the month of May, Brad and Scott will be growing mustaches to not only look fantastic, but to raise awareness and support for Camp CoHoLo.
Mustaches for Kids Omaha is a Nebraska non-profit corporation that supports local children’s charities by looking great. How do they do that? They grow mustaches (you probably should have figured that out from the name). It’s like a walk-a-thon or bowl-a-thon but there is no taxing walk or dangerous balls being thrown about. All they ask is that participants don’t do something for 30 days – shave that nose neighbour. Mustaches For Kids Omaha has raised over $190,000 for local children’s charities since 2009. The growing begins on May 2nd with the Clean Shave Party. This year’s growing cause is Camp CoHoLo.
Camp CoHoLo was started in 1984 by an Omaha housewife, Maureen Herrick. Maureen’s kind heart recognized that many children with cancer and blood disorders were deprived of the opportunity for a normal summer camp experience. CoHoLo is an acronym for Courage, Hope and Love, the guiding principles behind the formation of Camp CoHoLo. Camp CoHoLo has grown from a three-day event for 22 children in 1985 to an eight-day camp that hosts 160 children. The summer camp is held at the Eastern Nebraska 4-H Center near Gretna. In May 2005, Camp CoHoLo and its volunteers were awarded the Heartland Better Business Bureau Integrity Award for service to children in the region.
For additional information or to donate to Camp CoHoLo, please visit them online at
To talk commercial real estate or see the mustaches up close give Brad or Scott a call at (402) 333-3333.
For more information on Mustaches for Kids, please visit them on the web at