Saturday, April 1, marks the start of Child Abuse Awareness Month. Child abuse does not discriminate. It spans all racial, gender, socioeconomic and demographic boundaries. In 2022, Project Harmony ( provided services to over 8,000 children within the community. Of these cases, 37% were sexual abuse, 11% neglect, 7% physical abuse and 4% witness to violence.
Over 17,000 pinwheels are spinning all across the Metro Area throughout the month of April as part of Project Harmony’s Pinwheels for Prevention® campaign to raise awareness of this life-threatening issue. In 2008, Prevent Child Abuse America® introduced the blue pinwheel as the national symbol for child abuse prevention. The pinwheel represents the great childhood that every child deserves, and the role we each play in providing a loving and supportive environment for the children in our lives.
“April provides an opportunity for all of us, individuals and organizations alike, to take action by learning more about prevention and supporting organizations that support children,” said Project Harmony Executive Director Gene Klein. “A cause is only as strong as the people who support it and together we can end child abuse.”
You are an important part of the solution. Take the pledge to be someone in the life of a child today at
Project Harmony exists to provide effective, immediate and sensitive support to child abuse victims and their non-offending family members. To learn more, go to