Parkinson’s Nebraska Announces New LIVE IT UP Class

Parkinson’s Nebraska ( has announced a new fun group exercise class for folks with Parkinson’s called LIVE IT UP! The class integrates voice-speech practice, exercise skills based on daily living activities, education, socialization, and mindfulness techniques. The class is co-taught by speech therapist, Amy Renken and PWR (Parkinson Wellness Recovery) Moves certified instructor, Georgia Kuhl.

Classes will take place each Tuesday beginning on November 6 from 12:15–1:15 p.m. at the MSforward Gym, 13530 Discovery Dr., in Omaha. Cost per class is $5, but the first class is free. Pre-registration is required by contacting either instructor Amy Renken at (402) 290-9908 / or Georgie Kuhl at (402) 502-2407 /

Parkinson’s Nebraska is group of individuals brought together by Parkinson’s disease who give their time and talents to help bring education, expertise, classes, support, and a host of other resources to communities. As a 501(c)3 designated charitable organization, donations given to the organization stay right in the heart of Nebraska, and gives residents, their families and caregivers immediate access to information and resources.

For more information about Parkinson’s Nebraska, visit their website or their Facebook page (@parkinsonsnebraska).